Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trip to the Hospital

So today was the third day of me being sick, however I again thought I was okay to head to school and work. Well I learned I was way wrong. I went to school made it through the first period of class, then headed to the English meeting made it through most of that, however I was sick after we finished. So I headed to the hospital for the first time.
The hospital was a different experience, but great experience. Headed in to the women waiting room, a lady took my health card and had me sit down. When they were ready for me they called me up to the desk and registered me. I paid 30 AED ($8.15) and then wait an again. Shortly thereafter I head into the doctor’s office, where he asked me some questions listen to my heart, and then told me to have some test done.
This is where it got weird for me; a lady took me to the laboratory, where they drew my blood. Yes they took my blood. I then headed to get a chest x-ray. Again yes they did that too. After that I waited again and then they called me in to tell me that I have a upper respiratory infection and I am low in iron, GREAT. However after everything I was sent home (the Hotel) and told that I need to take 2 day of my sick leave. I can’t believe that it is my second week and I am out sick great, I hope this doesn’t show what this year is going to be like.

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